02 March, 2010

Practice Session: Saturday, Feb 27th

I've gotten into the habit of not setting a practice time. Instead, I make sure I practice at least one thing every day for no given amount of time; whether it's ten minutes or three hours. As long as I'm practicing it right, it makes up for the hours I would spend practicing something wrong over and over again.

This runout is far from perfect. I got real stupid on a few balls and had to work harder to fix it in order to run out. Baby steps.

I don't know if this is the where my friend Dave swears a lot. At least I didn't tape him yelling out the word "Commies" which happened at Whole Foods the last time we ate sushi there. It tickles me, but not everyone likes to listen to stories about communists.


GreenMangoes said...

haha! ang galing! :)

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